Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I saw this unfold Monday while in the George Bush Airport in Houston. Mass murder by some nut with a gun...just the sort of thing I want to see before getting on an airplane! :o

In the days since then, I've listened to the Mainstream Media do their usual babble, interviewing survivors and families of those who were slain with their idiotic and invasive "how did that make you feel?" types of questions.

The media has gone to the memorial services and mourned with those who have mourned, and asked the Liberal questions that only the media could ask: how can we make our college campuses more SECURE? And then gone on to have some sort of discussion between the Brady/handgun control group and Susanna Gratia Hupp, a Congresswoman whose parents were killed in the Luby's mass murder many years ago because she complied with TX law and left her handgun in the car! I suppose I should be thankful that at least CNN puts Hupp on to oppose the Brady Bunch. They used to have only one commentator, the Communist one who wants to disarm all American citizens.

While the media bleat and plead for more security, I keep wondering why are they so clueless that mass murders usually happen only in places that are "gun-free" zones? If any students had been armed at VA Tech, there would probably have been fewer murders.

Another question: why didn't police just rush in IN THE DIRECTION OF THE GUNFIRE and SHOOT THE BASTARD? Our police forces seem so cowardly these days. IT's almost like if there's shooting, they won't go there. What's their job? Is it to keep the public safe and to preserve order? At least they have body armor and special training to defend themselves, not to mention weapons. What did the students have? Liberal brainwashing!

Oh, and did anyone notice that the shooter was NOT a white man? I think this is the second ASIAN who has committed mass murder in the USA. I suppose it's comforting to see that this type of psychosis is not limited to just one race.

The whole time the media kept whining about how to keep the "kids" safe, I kept thinking, turn schools into concentration camps! They are already Communist indoctrination centers with barracks and dining halls, so surely turning them into concentration camps couldn't take that much more work! Maybe they could move them to those camps I hear so many rumors about which are being readied for the imprisonment of American citizens when martial law is declared.

The bottom line is that we, as citizens, must be prepared to defend ourselves any where at any time. That book put out by, "Dial 911 and Die," where they say that the police have no legal obligation to protect the innocent, is never truer than in this instance and others like it. The police have proved, in so many ways, that they are cowardly weenies who will not help us...unless it seems like it is relatively safe for them.

If you are not a gun owner, go buy some today, and learn to use them, and carry them for self-defense. Who knows? You might become a hero by saving others from a whacko. Or you could just buy yourself some body armor and wear it everywhere you go. (Check borderguardiansdotorg in the next couple of weeks, as they have some reasonably-priced body armor on sale.)


Friday, April 06, 2007


What's all this clamor I hear from gays wanting marriage? I just don't get it. Do they also want divorce, alimony, child support, and family court trials? I can hardly wait to be *just like* heterosexuals! If we become just like them, will that then make us good enough to be accepted?

I remember when I came out in 1969 (no, that is the actual year, not a joke!) the emphasis was on self-acceptance, and we were just struggling to find our identity in an often hostile society, nevermind worrying about being "just as good as..." We fought labels such as butch and femme, and now gays seem to embrace them! Am I showing my age? I just don't get it.

Many years ago, as a teenager, I would have voted for Barry Goldwater for President. At that time, the Civil Rights Act was being passed by Congress. Even then I understood that you cannot legislate morality. (Of course, I did not not understand how badly black ppl were treated in the South!) But I still think you cannot FORCE ppl to accept any given group.

Here we are, 37 years later, 33 years after the American Psychological and Psychiatric Assns. declared that homosexuality is not, in and of itself, a mental disorder, and we still have bigoted ppl spouting Bible quotes which they claim "prove" we are perverts, sick puppies, abnormal, immoral, etc. Yet overall, societal acceptance of gays has improved.

The Gay Left is still not happy. A better question should be: Is the Left ever happy with anything? Being able to lead a free life, to associate with others of our own group, to live with relative peace and privacy is still not enough for our "leaders." No, they scream, we still want to be able to get "married." What a crock of shit. I don't need a piece of paper from the gubermint to prove I'm OK, or that I have rights. What's the matter with these gays? Why can't they just "live in sin" like all the straights do now? What's the matter with that? You get together because you want to be, and when you don't, you just split--no laws, no court, no papers. What's the matter with that?

No, I think that there is an incredible amount of self-loathing and a pathetic, dog-like yearning for acceptance within the gay community. "Oh please," the gay puppies plead, as they crawl on their bellies to the straights, "please accept us, so we can be just as good as you!" Considering the amount of drug and alcohol abuse, and suicidal risky sexual practices within the gay community, I wonder what it will take to make the majority of gays appreciate themselves for their uniqueness, and to bolster their self-esteem.

I'm queer. I'm here. I've related to fundamentalist Christians in politics who have accepted me. The rest of you need to get over your "special-ness" and just get on with your lives. You'll be accepted or not on WHO you are, not WHAT you are. And if you are NOT accepted, so what? America is a big place, and there are now (thankfully) many places for us to go; to live, to work, and to have fun.

What the gay community needs to work on is self-acceptance and better public relations with the rest of society, and to stop militantly pushing themselves in others' faces because we are not sure we are "good enough." Gay narcissists, get over yourselves, and get on with your lives! Think more about how you can give to your community, rather than how much you can make them do for you!