Friday, December 29, 2006

America Being Turned Into Third World Country! What I want to know is what does Calhoun mean by a "propositional nation?" This term is not explained. LL

Illegal Immigration: the U.S., Third-World Wasteland?

By William H. Calhoun

Rep. Tom Tancredo recently attracted the ire of the left-wing media when he made the rather pedestrian observation that Miami "has become a third-world country." This should not be news. Everyone I know who has been to Miami (or southern California or Arizona, for that matter) has noticed the same: the US is being transformed into a third-world cesspool.
This should be no surprise.

A recent former military intelligence analyst told me, "There currently exists a third-world invasion of America. And it is bad. Very bad. If things are not stopped soon, all will be lost. America will become a third-world sewer."

Many of the earmarks of a third world country (poverty, disease, ethnic strife, quixotic defense of a "propositional nation," big business driving down wages with cheap labor, gangs, abundant treason, etc.) are currently widespread in the U.S.

There exists a very dangerous new alliance in America: left-wing multiculturalism and big business. Although big business may have sided with conservatives during the Cold War, it now aligns itself with the radical left, and gives most of its money to far Left causes.

Only look at Wal-Mart. Recently Wal-Mart has started giving enormous sums of money to radical pro-homosexual groups, and last year Wal-Mart gave more money to La Raza than to any other organization. What is La Raza? It is the mestizo pro-immigration group that has called for the complete elimination of the white race.

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, founder of La Raza, has proudly said: “We have an aging white America…. They are dying…. They are ******** in their pants with fear! I love it!” He then demands: “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”

Kill all the whites, eh? This should be no surprise. Why do Hispanics so hate Western Civilization? Just look at Mexico. With the exception of a very small upper class of European descent, most Mexicans are either Amerindian or mestizo (mostly Amerindian with a few drops of Spaniard or African blood). In short, most Hispanics are genealogically Asian, they are not Western, and they despise the West.

And so the third-world conversion of America continues. A friend of mine in southern California recently watched her once predominantly white neighborhood become 85% mestizo. Crime has increased 700%, HIV 800%, and the school board recently removed all "white authors" from the reading list. Yes, they have actively been removing all white authors from the schools, and it is also commonplace for mestizos to demand the removal of all "European elements" from their liturgy.

Many Hispanics, furthermore, identify with terrorists. We know for certain that mestizos are helping terrorists sneak across the Rio Grande. They have made alliances with terrorist cells in India and Bangladesh. At a soccer game in Mexico recently, the crowd erupted in applause when a picture of Bin Laden was shown on the screen. Furthermore, as recently reported by the Christian Science Monitor, at least 200,000 Hispanics in the United States have recently converted to Islam, and this number is expected to increase exponentially.

We are under attack. And there is no polite way to put it. And it is not just Mexico, but all of the third-world. Big business has been using the H-1B and L-1 visas to drive down American wages, and the third-world hordes have answered their beckoning.

An associate of mine who works for a high-tech company in California (whose name I cannot say for legal reasons) recently watched about 90% of his fellow American employees be fired from his company. They were replaced with H-1B imports from India, who were paid about one-third of what the Americans were making. Within a few months of the firings, two of the Indian employees had already spread HIV to three Americans, three of the other Indians had known ties to terrorist cells in India, and the Indians would openly speak of "exterminating the European race." Was any of this reported in the mainstream media? Of course not. Did any of these people serve jail time? Of course not. In essence, because of H-1B provisions, they have more rights than American citizens. Nor is this incident isolated.

Not only is a third-world invasion taking place, but Americans are becoming second-class citizens. While big business drives down American wages with cheap imported labor, Americans on a daily basis or losing legal rights. Americans have been duped by the left-wing notion of a “propositional nation” and by myths about third-world assimilation, neither of which will occur.

Historically, nations have been built upon blood and soil, kith and kin, ancestral rites, and genealogical ties. A real nation is but an extension of a tribe, and this realization is apparent to any realist. The “creedal nation” (one only has to believe in propositions to be a good citizen) is a lie; it is but a Trojan horse to implement the third-world invasion of America.

And if this does not sound like treason, then what does?

In the 1950s, when our country was invaded, President Eisenhower responded with "Operation Wetback" and deported around a million invaders in a single year. Today, however, politicians say they are unable. Rather, they are unwilling.

Some of the greatest traitors in American history are right before our eyes: GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John McCain, Arlen Specter, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Sam Brownback, “Aztlan” Linda Chavez, Alberto Gonzales, Carlos Gutierrez, Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Linda Sanchez, Robert Menendez, Luis Gutierrez, Solomon Ortiz, and the list goes on and on. These miscreants have chosen Mexico, multicultural political correctness, and big business over hard-working Americans. They have betrayed Middle America.

Our country is rife with treason, and it is now up to patriotic Americans to set matters straight. What can be done? Contact politicians, contact newspapers, join militias, stockpile weapons, and prepare for the continuing madness.

America is becoming a third-world wasteland, and it is up to patriotic Americans to reverse this trend. Stop the third-world invasion!
