Nasty Nazis, Rabid Racists, and Lesbian Witches
I have been accused of being many things: a Nazi, a racist, a lesbian, and a pagan. Do any of them fit?
Subsequent to my burning of the Mexican Flag with Border Guardians on April 9 & 10, 2006, some very unfavorable stories were published on the internet; in fact one from the SPLC seems to be on every Left-wing site they could have found. It purports to show that I corresponded with a member of the National Socialist Movement (NSM—American Nazis) and that I urged him and his colleagues to injure people of color who just “happened” to be illegal immigrants (i. e., Mexicans).
While I have vehemently denied that I ever sent the email in question, and pointed out the inaccuracies and penultimate falsehoods in the rest of the story, (which BTW, has been changed in its webform in numerous revisions after taking various parts out for dry-cleaning, or should I call it a reality/propaganda check?) many Left-wing sites and authors have chosen to accept and embrace it as the Word from on high. Indeed, the SPLC has managed, by almost TOTAL FABRICATION, to give the Left Wing exactly what it wanted: proof that a Minuteman* was a Racist. I can imagine that all the Lefties were just creaming in their designer jeans when they read that article!
What is the truth about me? It’s not really all that complex. As usual, our enemies are using the psychological technique of projection, projecting upon the “Others,” in this case, Nativists, all the negative characteristics they themselves possess, in order to deflect criticism. The Left has certainly had its own internal battles with racism, but the Mainstream Media (MSM) has not reported on them, so they have to call every patriotic Caucasian American a racist, whether or not they have proof! (And every black or brown patriot American will get their own unique appellation: Oreos, Uncle Tom, or Coconuts!) Let me say this: I am Caucasian, I am an American, I am a woman, and I am not guilty about anything. I look at the sum total of my life thus far, and I know that I have never intentionally harmed another human being. Have I been victimized by others? Of course, and what color they were doesn’t matter.
Almost immediately after our flag burning in front of the Mexican Consulate April 9, 2006,, a homophobic, sexist, truly racist and anti-semitic website, put up a pirated NBC-KVOA video of the burning, with editorial commentary and addresses and phone numbers for myself and the other flag burners! Their superimposed editorializing reported that I was a lesbian from San Francisco and that I was a pagan priestess of the Sisterhood of the Moon! I notified KVOA of the pirated footage, and although it took a month or more of them legally pressuring, the footage, along with the superimposed editorial, was finally removed from the website.
Perhaps 10 days to 2 weeks after the flag burning, the SPLC article appeared, regurgitating the same information and adding some new lies. There are certain things I do not deny: I am a lesbian, I did spend the majority of my life living in the San Francisco Bay Area, I am a witch, and I am the head of the Sisterhood of the Moon. All of this is verifiable, and can be found out by any person who knows how to use a search engine to look up my name on the internet! So didn’t exactly bust their buns doing research, and they found out nothing about me that wasn’t already public information. I am proud of who and what I am, and have no need for apologies.
The most interesting question is: WHY did they choose to publish this information which I happen to consider mostly irrelevant? WHY did the leftists choose to attack me in this way? Isn’t it interesting that they chose the most vulnerable Nativist in the movement to viciously attack? They picked: a woman, a lesbian, and a pagan. And they saw fit to mention all of those things, none of which I consider relevant to my political activities! As a matter of fact, I usually don’t discuss those topics when with other activists, as they are…irrelevant!
The answer is simple, and it sheds great light on the essentially EVIL nature of the Communist conspiracy ruining America: they will do every dirty, nasty thing they can to win, including exposing any of the details of a person’s private life which might tend to turn others off. I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. What next?
The fact is, their purpose in exposing details of my private life was to TURN OFF any Conservatives in this movement who might have thought my words and actions had validity, to render me impotent and my actions void. Fortunately, for me, the effect has been the opposite: I have one former homophobe now calling me “sister,” and I’ve experienced great acceptance in spite of my orientation. I’ve received emails from former homophobes saying they admire me, and that my orientation doesn’t matter. I have political allies who are born-again Christians and religious fundamentalists, and they have not shunned me. Surprise, surprise—Conservatives are not nearly as uptite as you thought they were!
How did it happen that I received this acceptance? Firstly, I am known for my works, and I established a reputation as someone who worked to combat illegal immigration over a period of years. People got to know me as a political activist. Secondly, I did not choose to make an issue of my sexual orientation or my religious beliefs, as I considered them to be irrelevant. According to one activist, “we already knew you were a lesbian--you didn’t have to TELL US.” OK, so I guess there are NO closets, no matter how fervently one might wish for one! Thirdly, I did not deny the obvious, the facts that were easily accessible on the internet. And when matters of a spiritual nature came up in conversation, and I disagreed with something, I said so. Yes, I am a dyke. Ya wanta make something of it? Next!
What really surprised me was that the Leftist media chose to mention my sexual orientation and my religious beliefs, as they usually tend to be minority-friendly. I guess that’s only if you are also Left-wing! I suppose if you are nationalistic, patriotic, or conservative, then your personal life is fair game! I have learned never to trust the media. They may charm you and make you feel important when they are asking you questions, but once they churn you through their editing process, you will not recognize what you said! Any way they can twist, turn, or pervert your words will be the path they take. Frank Jorge, the activist who was on “30 Days,” tells us about this in his report to An honest journalist is a rare creature.
After the SPLC story came out, it seemed everyone only wanted to know about my alleged Nazi contact. Have I corresponded with Nazis? Yes, in fact I have; and not to give them instructions on how to brutalize poor little illegal immigrants. I have not wished to communicate with members of what are known as “hate groups,” yet for some reason, they seem to want to communicate with me. I am reminded of something Chris Simcox asked when I was working for him: “Why do I only seem to attract racists and nut cases?” Indeed, this is a most cogent question.
I have not always known who I was corresponding with. The internet is a large place, and not all people are “out of the closet” on their beliefs. A very few will spout what is commonly referred to as “hate speech,” but the vast majority find subtler ways to communicate their beliefs, or simply “dummy up.” For example, I am used to “dummying up” when around other gays because of the onerous tyranny of Political Correctness. The vast majority of gays are so brainwashed into the Communist way of thinking that it is a totally futile and frustrating waste of time for me to try to show them the error of their ways, or to try to convince them that they must become Thatcherite-Libertarians. Likewise, anyone who has made up their mind about certain groups of people; I may try to show them the errors in their thinking, and get them to be open to new groups, but once someone’s mind is set, it’s difficult to change it. If seems, however, I have managed to do this in the case of formerly homophobic Conservatives!
So, what about those Nazis? Ah, yes, the part everyone is waiting for. Mostly they have tried, repeatedly, to get on my yahoogroups list. But unfortunately, they cannot behave themselves—they need to spout anti-semitic, homophobic, or racist crap in their signatures, as well as in their email messages. I bounce them off, sending them an explanation as to why each time, but they subscribe again, sometimes using a pseudonym, so I don’t catch on until their first objectionable post. If they could just not spout offensive garbage, I might allow them to lurk, but not to post. That’s something they just cannot do. While I do not endorse their reprehensible attitudes toward minorities, the fact is that they ARE American citizens, and they have as much of a need to stay informed on the illegal immigration crisis as anyone else. And I am optimistic—there is still a possibility that on an individual basis, their thinking may be turned around with the right stimulus. After all, my situation is living proof that even Conservatives can accept gays! Hell, look at Dick Cheney’s daughter—and what about Candance Gingrich, sister of Newt? We are everywhere!
So am I a lesbian Nazi? The term is truly laughable. Anyone in the gay community, no matter how Left they are, knows that a gay person may be prejudiced to some degree, but to be a Nazi? LOL…there is no such creature! (Although we have been inclined to call each other “gay Nazis” as a term of disparagement when we disagree!) First of all, Nazis hate gays, and have a severely homophobic attitude somewhat akin to that of the Communist Chinese when asked about gays in their country. They said, as I recall, something like gays are a symptom of the decadent bourgeoisie, and we do not have any of that here! OK, so the Nazis are in denial, and conveniently brush over the fact that Ernst Roehm, leader of the SA under Hitler, was a gay man. Not only that, the fact that most gays in this country are WHITE has totally gone over their heads. So much for their so-called racial consciousness.
As gays, we have been so exposed to multi-culturalism and “diversity” it is practically impossible for us to cling to racial bias. After all, the gay flag contains every color of the rainbow because WE come in all colors! Yes, we are everywhere; in Communist countries, in Native American tribes, in South America, in Mexico, in China, and in Europe. And a good number of us have experienced enough homophobia on a personal level that we do know how discrimination feels for other minorities as well. I believe that racism, homophobia, and sexism do go together. Racists are often homophic as well.
It’s interesting that I have been accused of being racist when nowhere can anyone find anything written by me that contains a single racial epithet or a negative racial slur. Why is that? Is it is because I do not think that way and never use that type of language? And I’ll have to tell my ex-lovers who are women of color that the SPLC thinks I am a racist! I wonder what Sharon, Cynthia, and Marlena will think of that. Speak up, girls!
So, why have I succeeded as a gay woman in Conservative political circles? The answer is simple: because I did not put my orientation first. My political goals have everything to do with securing individual freedom and defending American sovereignty and nothing to do with “special rights” for “special people.” I may think I am special, but it is not because I am a lesbian. I do not feel I am entitled to special treatment because I am “different” than mainstream America. I have succeeded because: 1) I am not militant about being “different,” and 2) I am just as conservative politically as most of those who I work with as an activist. My experience just underscores my belief that the primary problem those who are Conservative have with gays is their obnoxious, militant, Left-wing politics. Conservatives say: enough with pushing your lifestyle in my face already, just get on with your lives, and leave me alone—don’t expect “special rights;” you are just like anyone else—freaking GET OVER BEING GAY! I invite those Conservatives reading this blog to let me know if I have hit the nail on the head.
While I was fairly militant when I was younger, as a middle-aged woman, I no longer yearn for acceptance. I have felt for some time that the best way for gays to be accepted is to let people get to know us on a personal level without making an issue of being gay. After we feel we are accepted, then at an appropriate time we might consider “coming out” to our friends and associates. I think the solution to our acceptance lies in cultivating better PR, in giving to our communities, and NOT in demanding special treatment. Had I not established a track record of political activism, I do not think I would have been as accepted by my primarily Conservative community.
Of course there are things that I do not agree upon with Conservatives: I favor choice, women’s rights worldwide, voluntary euthanasia under certain circumstances, a cessation by the U. S. of imperialistic wars, and a variety of other items. What is important, though, is that we stay the course, and return from this distraction of my personal life to defending American sovereignty. I have said many times that all American citizens will rise together, defending American sovereignty, or we will fall individually. Now is the time for all American citizens to band together to fight the imperialism of illegal immigration and to combat the future tyranny of the North American Union.
*Minuteman—I am using this as a generic term here since the media has seen fit to lump us all together under this label. I am not implying that I was a participant in the April 2005 Minuteman Project in Arizona, although I have subsequently taken part in TX MM and in California Border Watch.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
People just love the Southwest, especially if they can only go visit it and not live there. It really SUCKS if you live there.
The romance and allure of the desert is still strong, however. People love to idealize the area, ooze about the wonderful climate (nevermind the summers/springs/falls where you feel like you are BAKING in a pizza oven!)
I am now visiting a friend who lives at 8,000 feet, and finding it a very different experience. Being a desert flat-lander, I have found myself gasping for air, and having altitude sickness. The air REALLY IS thin up here! And the weather is overcast, cool, and clammy. Kinda reminds me of the San Francisco Bay Area. It's jut like home, except the air was polluted, not clean like it is here.
There are many nice places to live in the United States; I'm sure some are affordable, and offer wages a person might make a middle-class living from. I doubt any of them are in the Southwest, which some (mostly the illegal aliens who have helped to drive down wages) call Aztlan.
There are many things I love about the desert, but the grinding poverty is not one of them.
The romance and allure of the desert is still strong, however. People love to idealize the area, ooze about the wonderful climate (nevermind the summers/springs/falls where you feel like you are BAKING in a pizza oven!)
I am now visiting a friend who lives at 8,000 feet, and finding it a very different experience. Being a desert flat-lander, I have found myself gasping for air, and having altitude sickness. The air REALLY IS thin up here! And the weather is overcast, cool, and clammy. Kinda reminds me of the San Francisco Bay Area. It's jut like home, except the air was polluted, not clean like it is here.
There are many nice places to live in the United States; I'm sure some are affordable, and offer wages a person might make a middle-class living from. I doubt any of them are in the Southwest, which some (mostly the illegal aliens who have helped to drive down wages) call Aztlan.
There are many things I love about the desert, but the grinding poverty is not one of them.